Our Story
It is a story as old as time….a young girl meets a young man.
It is 1970. She is a high student. He is a farmer. They are each other’s first love. The imprinting is strong. Bonds are formed. Promises made.
And then the unthinkable happens. It was not meant to be. What is yearned for and wished for is a fantasy. She does not know how to make it a reality. How do you make a relationship work when you have never been shown?
A complication, she is pregnant. Hard, tough decisions have to be made, life-long decisions, no-return decisions. And so, decisions are made by both and individually.
And life goes on, as life must go on. She keeps the baby… a little girl. And she marries and has 2 more little girls. And he marries and has a little girl.
And again life goes on, as life must go on. The little girl grows up, marries and has her own babies.
And then the young girl’s nephew meets with the young man’s sister in Toronto. And the connection is made…”my cousin is your niece”.” Where is she, can I see her”? says the aunt. And so a reunion is requested and attended.
And a father meets his daughter for the first time, but it doesn’t feel like it. It feels like the little girl had always been there, she just came back for a visit. Blood makes strong ties.
And a new family is formed. Bonds are formed- father and daughter, sister and sister.
And life goes on, as life must go on. One day the daughter comes to her mom and says “My dad has throat cancer”. “What can I do to help?” says the mom. “Not much” says the daughter. “I will pray “, says the mom.
And life goes on, as life must go on. But now the father is fighting for his life, with his daughters by his side. They watch his struggles, his illness taking over. He takes his medicine, the cure for his cancer and it nearly destroys him.
And the mom asks “how is your dad”? “He is ok, sick, tired, but hoping that he will be cured, he should be cured”, says the daughter. “Good”, says the mom, “I will pray”.
And life goes on, as life must go on. He receives all his treatments. He is declared cancer –free, once, then twice! Celebration!
“Now”, says the mom. Now is the time to talk to the father of her little baby. Now is the time to heal, the time to talk, and the time to share. And it is just the two of them, together for the first time in 40 years. Questions asked and answered, with more understanding,insight and maturity. Laughter and tears shared. Forgiveness started. A common bond of a daughter and grandchildren acknowledged.
And left goes on, as life must go on.
This is our story, I was that young girl.
I started this web-site to honour my daughter Tiffany, her father Raymond and her sister Natalie. I wanted to show them my support and help them do something about cancer.
So this is my idea, I will macramé bracelets and key-chains with a special blue bead and then give them away! The special blue bead is to remind people to donate to the Cancer Society, to find more cures, and better cures.
Why the colour blue? God placed in my hands a beautiful dark blue bead with green undertones. These beads are same colour as Raymond’s eyes, a beautiful, unusual dark blue with green undertones.The same coloured eyes that stare back at me from Tiffany and her children. And the bead has teardrops on it -perfect!
Now who wants a bracelet or key chain?